Healing Justice

  • A hand holds a woven basket, full with orange calendula blossoms.

    Medicine Solidarity

    The land’s garden offers medical abundance. We harvest and blend plant medicine to share with our community and offer to change-makers, immigrants, and beloveds beyond this geographic area and enforced so-called borders.

  • A beautiful being smiles upon a great marigold flower cradled in their hands.

    Rest & Healing

    As beings that have moved through many intersections of survival and trauma, we are holding the powerful space that is rest and healing, especially for those relying on community care to make this access possible.

  • Two hands flip a masa tortilla over a fire.

    Indigenity & Reaculturation

    Nurturing of Indigenous roots and connection to ancestors. Tending our reconnection to what has been taken from those of us removed from our origin cultures, through story sharing, music, land practices and cooking.